
Saturday, May 23, 2009

What is your testimony?

I thought it would be fun to take a day like today when life is throwing blows left and right, a day like today when it seems like everything is going wrong, to take an inventory of this past month and find a testimony.

In the midst of all the things that has happened this month, week, or maybe today, there is something that has gone right. It is common for one to overlook the good when there is so much to stress and worry about. Can you name one thing to be thankful for? Not the usual "I woke up this morning", but something out of the ordinary. Perhaps you found a dollar on the ground or you reconnected with a long lost friend. Although it's something small, it's a testimony. Think about how it made you feel for that short moment. Now think of more little testimonies. Let that joy, happiness, smile overtake you for a minute as you relive the feeling. Doesn't it feel great?

My testimony: I was able to reconnect with a friend. Although the stress of life had me feeling down, those few moments spent with my friend were filled with laughs, smiles, and giggles. What was my testimony? That I was able to experience a moment of happiness in the midst of my storm. It's small relief, but it's one I can treasure.

What's yours?

Be Blessed!