
Saturday, May 23, 2009

What is your testimony?

I thought it would be fun to take a day like today when life is throwing blows left and right, a day like today when it seems like everything is going wrong, to take an inventory of this past month and find a testimony.

In the midst of all the things that has happened this month, week, or maybe today, there is something that has gone right. It is common for one to overlook the good when there is so much to stress and worry about. Can you name one thing to be thankful for? Not the usual "I woke up this morning", but something out of the ordinary. Perhaps you found a dollar on the ground or you reconnected with a long lost friend. Although it's something small, it's a testimony. Think about how it made you feel for that short moment. Now think of more little testimonies. Let that joy, happiness, smile overtake you for a minute as you relive the feeling. Doesn't it feel great?

My testimony: I was able to reconnect with a friend. Although the stress of life had me feeling down, those few moments spent with my friend were filled with laughs, smiles, and giggles. What was my testimony? That I was able to experience a moment of happiness in the midst of my storm. It's small relief, but it's one I can treasure.

What's yours?

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Battle Is Not Yours!

When life comes at us with its fists balled and anger on its face, we tend to become defensive. We fight a battle that isn't ours. We allow our emotions to take over and often act out of character. Sometimes it can be hard to see through the storm and imagine what the end may be. It's ok to want to fight back, however its not always the best tactic. The greatest battles we can fight are the ones we turn over to our master. He loves us so much that he would rather we let him fight for us while we sit back and keep our clothes from getting dirty.

I know, we are human and our instincts say defend yourself, but he says to cast our cares on him. He promised to make our enemies our footstools. So why is it so hard for us to trust him? Ok, it's easy to trust for the first 5 minutes, but I am referring to the first 5 days or months. I challenge you to turn our problems over to him, put it in his hands and leave it there. Breath a sigh of relief and don't look back. Exercise your faith, dig deep and allow yourself to trust him.

Besides, what do you have to loose? He created someone as exquisite as you, what makes you think he would tarnish his masterpiece?

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dare to Dream!

As children, everyone has a dream. At school, the teacher will often ask, "what do you want to be when you grow up?". Can you remember what your dream was? Over the years, our dreams and goals change and develop. God has placed a dream in the hearts of each and every one of his children. He has created us with the talents and abilities that we will need to make our dreams a reality. Can we do it on our own? Sometimes we can, however to remain successful and sometimes to achieve the dream, we need help that only the father can provide.

Take a minute and think about the dream you have. Some of us will have to dig deep to uncover it. Now ask yourself why you gave up on that dream. Could it be out of fear, doubt, lack of knowledge, lack of connections, or maybe lack of motivation? You have a dream for a reason. God wants to restore the desire to fulfill the dream you were destined for. He has the right people, the money, all the means that you need to bring it to reality. However, you must have faith in him and in yourself. He wants you to succeed. He loves you so much that he mapped out the plan before you were created. The question is will you allow him to work in your life? Do you want to experience all that he has waiting for you? You must exercise your faith and trust him to bring it all together for your good.

This process is not an easy one and will come with trials. However, be careful not to allow your emotions get in the way and cause you to give up or make decisions that are out of his will. A drop of fear can turn into something that will hinder you. It will make you see and think things that do not exist and therefore miss your blessing. Seek him for guidance through prayer and have faith that he will answer them. The outcome will knock your socks off. He can turn your enemies into your footstool. He can cause the very person that said you would never make it to push someone valuable into your life.

Remember, someone is depending on your dream. If you want to own a store, your potential shoppers are depending on you. If you want to be a doctor, there is a patient that needs your care. Don't give up on your dream. He said he wouldn't put more on us than we can bare. If he gave you the dream, then the obstacles you will have to face to achieve it won't be more than you can handle.

With God all things are possible!

Be Blessed!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Mother's Love; Happy Mother's Day!

Today is a very special day. It is one where we celebrate "Mothers".

What is so special about a mother? She comes in many different forms. She can be a spiritual mother, biological mother, adopted mother, a godmother, grand mother, or maybe someone you look up to. She is nurturing, compassionate, a disciplinarian, a friend, a confidant, a role model, and the list goes on. She is special in every way.

For those of you who are unable to spend this mother's day with your mother, don't be discouraged. She loves you and her spirit will always live in you, because you are a part of her. Take her good qualities and make them your own.

Let's celebrate the mother figures in our lives and for this one day let them know how much they are loved and appreciated. Sometimes all it takes is a hug.

Happy Mother's Day!

Be Blessed!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Never Give Up!

Today's post was submitted by my mother. Enjoy!

A lot of people fail to achieve their goals in life, because they don't push beyond the pain. When the doctors tell you that you need to exercise in order to maintain a healthy body, at first the task sounds so easy. Then the challenge comes. We see others doing it and we take on their attitude of achievement. However, we forget that the course gets lonely, so demanding and ultimately distracting. In order to achieve the goal, you have to look beyond the pain of feeling that you are alone, the pain that your physical strength and endurance is almost bleak. If you fail at achieving your goal due to a physical ailment, that is almost acceptable. If you fail to complete your goal, because you were hurting emotionally, how could you live with yourself afterward? You haven't lived up to your God given potential.

Remember, the race is not given to the swift, nor to the strong, but to him that endureth until the end.

God bless!