
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Let It Go!

"He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends." Proverbs 17:9 NKJV

While reading the scripture above, my mind drifted to the people that have passed through my life and caused me pain emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes we look for people to be perfect without realizing it. Our best friends are expected to always live up to our standards, our mates should never do wrong by us, our children must make us proud, our family members should never say hurtful things. Unfortunately, none of us are perfect. We will make mistakes, we will hurt one another in more ways than a million, we will bring each other down instead of building them up. It's called being human and we can't change it. However, we can make a conscious effort to be a better people.

In Proverbs, God has acknowledged the fact that we will either be the cause or the recipient of hurt. He has asked that we not only forgive one another, but once the forgiveness has taken place we cover it by not allowing the situation to be brought up again. How many people can truly say that when they are cheated on in a relationship, they can forgive their mate and never bring it back up? The scripture says that if we throw these issues back in the face of the giver, it will cause a separation . Just imagine what the world would be like if we truly forgave others. There would be no divorce, best friends would be friends forever, families would still be closely knit, your image would not be tarnished.

Can you let go today? Let's consider what God has told us to do. I challenge you today to forgive someone and let the situation go. Don't burn your bridges by throwing it up in their face later, but hold on to the fact that you have forgiven them.

Be Blessed!